Thursday, 30 June 2011

cool nails!!

Check out this cool nail polish pattern!!!
It's really easy to do. All you need is a pair of stockings, any coloured nail polish and your finger nails of course!! firstly,pull your stockings on.
Next, paint your nails, let them dry a tiny bit (not fully dry, just half dry, half wet).
 (with your finger nails under your thighs) sit down for about 15 mins (don't worry,the nail polish won't stick onto your stockings).
After that check your nails, if  they are patterned, your done!! If not then you have let the nail polish go hard, so simply take the nail polish off with nail polish remover (under parental super vision). If it still doesn't work then leave a coment and I'll help as much as I can!

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